Based on 827+ reviews
Frequently Asked Questions
Our crew takes an average of 1-3 business days to prepare everything and ship your package. After that, it should arrive within another 4-9 business days.
Absolutely. We have a 30-day return period. So you have plenty of time to try the items and find out if they fit your style. See the details here.
Things happen, right? A small delay is usually due to weather, overworked drivers, etc. Your package should be there within 9 business days (max 3 handling and 9 transit) - please wait 3 extra days on top of the 9 and if your package is still not there, please let us know at info@modishmaze.com
You can pay with:
- iDeal
- Google Pay / Apple Pay
- Visa, MasterCard, Maestro
- American Express
- Union Pay